We will introduce some tips to run online meetings smoothly without minor troubles on Google Meet.
Have you ever had a meeting with your customers or colleagues which have minor troubles many times such as your place is uncomfortable to turn on a camera at that time etc… Those problems will not happen if you use Google Meet.
Nowadays people in Thailand are interested in Work from Home more than before, especially in 2020. Today we would like to introduce you about the interesting functions on Google Meet to make your meeting go smoothly.
1. Turn ON/OFF Microphone before joining a meeting. While you Work from Home, sometimes you might face some urgent case and it’s uncomfortable to open the microphone just that time. With Google Meet, you can turn ON/OFF your microphone before click join to a meeting and you won’t bother other participants either.
2. Turn ON/OFF Camera before joining a meeting. Once you need to work from home, you might feel no need to make up. In case you might have an urgent online meeting with your customer that did not set a schedule in advance. You can turn off your camera before clicking join to the meeting.
3. Set Send-Receive resolution while in the meeting. With this setting some users might never know that Google Meet can set video resolution because in some cases due to Work from Home the network might have a problem so you can adjust it with Google Meet.
4. Blur Background for online meetings. This one is a very interesting function on Google Meet. With this function users can blur their background by themselves. For example, you are a mother that needs to work from home but your wall might have some drawing and you might feel uncomfortable to show it. You can use this function!
5. Change any background as you like. This function is the newest one that many people waited for. Users can change their background from some default images or upload any picture to be their background as they like. For making your meeting nice atmosphere and keep privacy.
These interesting functions are all in Google Meet that we would like to share to you. We hope this information can solve your issues while you are in the meeting and if you have any question please contact us Here