Google Docs updates edit notifications informing users any additions or removals on document content.
According to new flexible working styles, many people can choose their preferred work modes such as remote work or hybrid work model. Several employees are capable of getting work done from different times or locations. Google is fully aware of the trend, and continues to develop collaboration tools providing practical useful functions to make the work process easier among teams.
Recently, Google Docs just launched a new feature which is Edit Notifications. Sometimes, when team collaborates on the same documents, in case someone adds or removes text content, it’s quite difficult for users to stay on top of any changes made on documents. Would it be better if we can get informed messages or email for these certain changes?
*The above picture shows edit notifications on Google Docs sent via email. Source: Google Workspace Update
This update feature will notify users once there are some adjustments on contents both additions and removals on Google Docs. The alert notification will be sent to users by email identifying more details about “What were the changes”, “When were they changed” and “Who made these changes”. Besides, any revisions made in the content were displayed in different colors upon individuals.
Normally, edit notifications are off by default, but it can be easily enabled. You can access this feature in certain Google Docs or alert notification Gmail in “Notification settings” (bell icon), and choose your preferred options on comments and edits, then click ok.
*Enable feature from Notification Settings from Google Docs Source: Google Workspace Update
*Configure the settings from alert Gmail using the “Notification settings” dropdown. Source: Google Workspace Update
This update feature notifies you the revisions made on documents, you can now stay on top and realize earlier any additions or removals from document content. We believe that integrating collaboration tools can reduce time spent on work processes, improve efficiency and productivity in the workplace.
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Source: Google Workspace Update