You can see your colleagues are out of the office on Hangouts Chat and Gmail which you don’t need to open the Calendar.
Have you ever had this situation? You sent a chat or an email to your colleague, but he/she didn’t respond to your message. Then you checked on Calendar and realized, your colleague was out of the office or took leave at that time.
From now, these situations will be solved with the new function, which will let you know when your colleagues are out of the office on Hangouts Chat and Gmail.
On Hangouts Chat window, you can see a notification when you need to send a message to your colleague if they are out of the office at that time.
On Gmail window, you will see a notification bar when your recipient is out of the office and also you can know what time they will be back in the office.
How to use this function
For users, the notification will be shown automatically when your colleague (who you follow their calendar) create activity “out of office”.
Additional details
If you don’t have to share the information with your colleagues, you need to change the permission setting on your Calendar as per the following steps.
1. Open “Google Calendar”
2. Go to “Calendar Settings”
3. Go to “Access permissions”
4. Unmark “Show calendar info in other Google apps, limited by access permissions.”
With this function, you don’t need to waste your time to contact or try to find out why they don’t respond to your chat or email anymore. You can spare more time to handle other tasks instead.
Source: G Suite Updates