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07 Jun
Make Your Google Meet Presentation More Engaging with Annotation Tools

  Annotation on Google Meet developing your presentation more attractive with mutual interaction.   Whenever you have a presentation via Google Meet and have brainstorming sessions for idea generating, how do you collect and record those opinions from online meetings? Do you still write down on paper, summarize all discussion and share it with the team after the meeting?  This process is quite redundant and takes time to finish each discussion. It would be better if your team can have interactive correspondence, share ideas and finalize decisions in a meeting.   Source: Google Workspace Update   Recently, Google Meet launched “annotation tools” helping better showcase content and engage with your audience while presenting content in Google Meet. When your screen

31 Jan
Update Communicative Functions from Google Chat and Meet in 2023

  Google expands product’s ability on Chat and Meet in 2023 enhancing effective communication.   In 2023, Google updated many communicative features and functions on Google Chat and Meet to improve team communication and collaboration. We have collected the top useful communicative functions for you. Please check it out!   Google Chat 1.Summary in Chat Space Enhances Users Catch up Quickly on Conversation 2.Latest Update “In-Line Threads” to All New Created Chat Spaces 3.New Abilities for Space Manager Promoting Effective Communication in Chat Space 4.Latest Update of Transition for Chat Spaces Organized by Topic to In-Line Threaded 5.New Upcoming Threads Improvement in Google Chat 6.Find What You Need Faster in Google Chat 7.Integration between Google Groups and Chat Spaces  

08 Dec
Be More Confident When Join Google Meet from Mobile Devices

  The latest improvements of Google Meet on mobile devices enhance better experience.   Nowadays, working from anywhere is trending for many people. They can keep in touch and collaborate with a team even if they are in different times, places or devices. They are able to utilize mobile devices to communicate with the team by sending emails, chats or joining meetings. According to this working style, users sometimes might have urgent meetings by video call, and they are uncomfortable to show themselves on camera leading to lack self confidence. Google is aware of this pain point and provides a new solution; improving appearance with “Portrait touch-up”, giving them better virtual looks.     Source: Google Workspace Update   For

25 May
Google Adds Co-Present Slide for Smooth Presentation in Meet

  Latest feature “Co-present” improves users’ experience, you can assign colleagues to control Slides while presenting in Meet.   Google has continually developed many functions and features for presentation on Google Slide in Meet, for example viewing speaker notes while presenting. It enhances presenters’ focus with better confidence in meetings as they can see slides’ content and audience within the same place.  Recently, they enabled the latest ability for users to co-present slides in a meeting on Google Meet.    This new feature allows multiple people to present together in Meet. The primary presenter can allocate a participant to be the co-presenter, who can present the slides alongside with the primary presenter. The assigned user can see the audience, presentation,

23 Feb
Google Meet Allows Presenters to See Speaker Notes While Presenting Slides

  No more confusion on switching screens, presenters can now view a presentation with speaker notes in Google Meet.   Speaker notes are important tools for any presenters, they will help remember important issues, such as key messages, statistics, or referred example cases. They act like a memory aid to remind presenters what to talk about on each of the slides, and what are the next topics of their presentation.   Formerly, when users present slides from their Google Meet, they have to switch screens between notes and slides. It might be inconvenient and sometimes causes misunderstanding as they are unsure which one is the presenting screen to the audience. Or even it might cause them to lose concentration while

08 Feb
Emoji Reactions are Available in Google Meet Now!

  Emojis, fun way to express your reactions in Google Meet.   Google has created more functions for Google Meet over the past few years to minimize the gap between people who work in different places. Many new features are released to improve users’ experience continually; for example, automatic lighting adjustments, noise reduction, picture-in-picture mode, multi pinning or live captions. Recently, they just launched emoji reactions for users’ quick responses during meetings.   *The above picture shows emoji reactions on web.  Source: Google Workspace Updates   You can start using these fun emojis by clicking the “smile” icon in the toolbar. It will pop up the reaction bar with all available emojis for you to choose as per preference. Everyone

27 Jan
Never Miss! Top 17 Updates of Google Workspace in 2022

  Google innovates various capabilities for improving people’s work performance. In 2022, Google has developed and launched several functions and features to improve work capabilities, communication and collaboration among teams. So we would like to review and share with you again the most helpful tips on each application: how their innovations ease people’s work and foster team connection.   Gmail  1.  Using Gmail’s New Marketing Tools to Create Announcements or Newsletters. 2.  New Search Capabilities in Gmail and Google Chat   Google Chat  3.  New Update for Manager Role in Chat Spaces 4.  Sharable Space in Google Chat 5.  In-Line Threading on Google Chat Spaces Can Separate Your Conversation.   Google Meet  6.  New Updated Features for Google Meet 7. 

27 Oct
Start to join Google Meet from Google Docs, Sheets or Slides

A quick video call from Meet via your documents is available now.   Google Meet is one of the most powerful communication tools nowadays. It has continually developed advanced new features including picture-in-picture effect, multi-pinning, polling, Q&A and also tools integration. No matter working at different times or locations, users can stay in touch with each other seamlessly.   If you are the one using Google Meet almost everyday. Whenever you review documents, and find out some points or topics to discuss with the team, have you ever wanted to start a quick video call from Meet on your documents right away? Would it be better if it doesn’t have to switch to Google Meet new tab, and shift back

10 Aug
Strengthen Communication and Collaboration by New Features on Google Meet

Google Meet introduces update features for improving users’ experiences; picture-in-picture, multi-pinning, additional action of removing participants from Meet.   Google realizes the importance of communication and collaboration among the team, so they always develop new features and improvements on Google Meet which can help users stay better connected and engaged whether they’re on remote work mode, staying in office, or working from anywhere, they can get in touch seamlessly with each other.   The new features include:   Picture-in-Picture mode, With this feature, you’ll be able to see up to four participants in one floating window on the top of other applications and you switch back and forth between applications. To activate the picture-in-picture mode, during the meeting, you can